On the Road to a Cleaner Earth: Embracing a Green Economy


We are all witnessing the growing urgency to create a cleaner, more sustainable future. People worldwide are innovating and finding ways to reduce our environmental impact. This article explores the exciting concept of a green economy and how we can contribute to its growth.

What is a green economy?

Think of it as an economy that prioritises environmental sustainability. A green economy is about being smart with what we have, cutting down on pollution, and safeguarding the environment for the generations to come. This does not mean sacrificing progress. Instead, it is about finding innovative ways to grow while minimising our environmental footprint.

Why is a green economy Important?

A green economy is critical for a healthy planet, thriving economy, and just society. It tackles climate change through low-carbon practices, safeguards resources efficiently, and protects biodiversity. This creates new jobs in renewable energy and clean tech, drives sustainable growth, and improves public health. Additionally, it fosters social equity and ensures a fair transition for all, leaving no one behind. Hence, a green economy offers a win-win-win for the environment, economy, and society.

Going green in everyday life

You do not have to wait for governments to act. Here are some simple ways you can contribute to a greener future:

  • Minimise plastic dependency: Say no to plastic straws, bags, and bottles in your daily life. Transition to reusable alternatives and select products with eco-friendly packaging to reduce your plastic footprint.

  • Back Sustainable Fashion: Support fashion brands committed to sustainability by choosing products made from hemp, jute, and organic cotton, promoting a more environmentally conscious fashion industry.

  • Conserve Energy: Switch off lights and electronics when not in use, and explore renewable energy options like solar power.

  • Support Local and Sustainable Businesses: Choose locally grown food, recycled products, and businesses committed to practices that are sustainable.

Earth Day

A global push for a greener economy

From the bustling streets of New York to the fertile fields of Bangladesh, a shared vision of a greener future is taking root. Different countries around the globe are embracing sustainable practices, each with their own unique approach.

In the United States, the tide is turning towards reusable bags and glass bottles, as consumers become increasingly conscious of plastic waste. Efforts to plant more trees are happening to bring back the ecosystems that were lost and help fight against climate change. Meanwhile, Industries are figuring out new ways to be more eco-friendly and shrink their impact on the environment.

Across the world in Bangladesh, a different yet equally impactful green movement is gaining momentum. Jute bags, bamboo products, and clay utensils are replacing their less sustainable counterparts, driven by a desire for eco-friendly alternatives. Natural farming methods are being adopted to protect the land and produce healthier food. Also, Bangladeshi manufacturers are striving for cleaner production processes, mindful of the environment and the well-being of the local people.

These diverse efforts, stemming from different corners of the world, highlight the universality of the green movement. It is a testament to the growing understanding that environmental sustainability is not a burden, but a shared responsibility and a collective opportunity for a healthier planet and a more prosperous future.

The green revolution in the fashion industry

The fashion world, once known for not being very eco-friendly, is now making moves to be more sustainable. Companies are shifting towards using materials that are good for the environment, figuring out how to handle waste by reusing and recycling it, and backing up customers who care about sustainability. Being open and clear about their actions is important, as it builds trust and shows they're making ethical decisions in the clothing industry. There are still some obstacles to overcome, but progress is being made towards a future where fashion is more sustainable. So why not support brands that are taking steps to be green and be a part of this new era in fashion?

Solar energy and beyond

It is often said that we should strive for a green economy, and there are many ways in which this can be achieved. One way is to use solar power instead of energy from burning coal or petroleum. This is better for the environment and more efficient and cheaper in the long run. Another way to promote a green economy is to use banana leaves as plates instead of clay crockery. Banana leaves can be washed and used more than once, making them more environmentally friendly.

there is no Planet B

The future is green

When we work together, we can create a strong green economy that helps both people and the Earth. We should get behind eco-friendly habits, back businesses that care about the environment, and push for rules that lead to a better tomorrow. Keep in mind, there is no Planet B, so let us make sure we take good care of it.

Labbaiqua Tabassum

The author is Labbaiqua Tabassum, and she is a first-year student from Brac University. Currently, she is in her first semester and studying Computer Science and Engineering. Labbaiqua has studied at Sunnydale School, Dhaka, from playgroup to grade 10. Later, she joined Loreeto School and completed her O- and A-levels. Regarding hobbies, she loves to cook dishes from different cuisines and add her touch to them. Other than that, she likes painting.


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