Are We Truly Alone?

Humans look for something extraordinary.

Humankind has lived for 200,000 years till now, exploring, hunting, gathering, and surviving together. For a long time, much knowledge has been acquired and passed down through generations, giving the edge to humankind to move forward, and strive forward to tremendous success. Only in the last 100 years have humans truly begun to expand their horizons and look towards something extraordinary.

Technology today

Technology has advanced our knowledge of medicine, and we can eradicate diseases like Moles and SAARS. The invention of automobiles is allowing people worldwide greater access to travel, which creates new possibilities that were never imaginable before - an example would be taking pictures or storing vast amounts of information just by using your phone. All this progress has led us into something so mesmerizing: Technology today.

Humans search for extraterrestrial life.

From ancient times, humans have always looked at the sky, wanting to reach some strange land from which no information could have been gathered. However, as time progresses, technology advances, and humans are keen on reaching somewhere other than Earth, the place humans have existed for millions of years. Recently, the push has been far more significant than at any time in the past. However, one question still stands in our minds to this date, ARE WE TRULY ALONE? Are there no other species that are as smart as human beings? Are there no other living creatures in outer space? Is Earth the only place where everything is and will be for eternity?

A pulsating signal from deep space was discovered.

In the 1960s, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, a postgraduate of Cambridge University, was surveying the sky. She had a state-of-the-art radio telescope given to her, and she had been studying radio frequency for a couple of months. To her surprise, she found something she could not explain one day. It was of a pulsating beam that had pulses exactly 1.33 seconds apart. She thought it to be an artificial interface. However, after further investigations, it was found that this was nothing. It was a pulsating signal from deep space. This made humans believe that there should be someone in space waiting for us to find them. This excitement soon halted, and a natural explanation surfaced of what that signal was. It was of a pulsating neutron star called pulser.

The WOW signal was momentary happiness for humans.

Since this event of a pulsating neuron star, the search has never indeed stopped, and people have been listening and broadcasting radio signals to the deep void in the hope that someday, someone will respond to the noisy space humans have created. To the surprise of man, once there was a radio signal unlike anything else, dubbed the WOW signal, which we heard during the late 1970s. Those who received that signal were astonished, but this momentary happiness was also short-lived as never again a signal like this was heard again by humans ever again. By then, humans had figured out that shouting aloud in random directions would not help them find the civilization they were looking for. Moreover, this will only waste the power and strength used. Thus, looking for technological and biological advancement and sending signals in that direction would result in far greater success.

No one from the other end responds to Earth’s biosignatures.

The great silence of the universe is quite frightening. Earth has been sending out biosignatures for years and years now, yet, no one from the other end has been hooked. Given the age and size of the universe, why does it feel so empty? We have yet to see flying space crafts surrounding us, going in and out of the planet Earth.

Are aliens among us?

Maybe it is us not realizing how rare intelligent life is and ignoring such facts as what aliens would look like. Humans imagine them as figures similar to the human body, with arms and legs. What if they are small, fragile, and similar looking to insects? What if they are single cells like some microorganisms? This points out that we are oblivious to what they look like. Maybe they are already here with us, living amongst us, yet, we ignored them? The possibilities are endless, but we are also clueless about where our hunt for somebody is going—spending billions and trillions that do not matter so that you can learn a little more to inquire a little more about what is surrounding this beautiful planet Earth.

We may be the only life forms in the entire universe.

We must keep in mind only one of one: Earth itself. We do not know how every day or rare life truly is. With hundreds and thousands of planets and galaxies between us, we do not know how many lives have existed and how many have gone extinct. We are complete without any knowledge of how many species there could be in the entire universe. Thus, we have to conclude that we are truly alone in the face of all this, and no such species like us will ever come to life.

Hrittik Biswas Paul

Hrittik Biswas Paul is currently majoring in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Brac University. He has a strong interest in the unknown of the universe. This is a brief article about a question - Are there no other species that are as smart as human beings in this universe?


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