Does Blogging Foster Authenticity and Motivation in EFL Writing Classes?

Blogging, a popular form of online expression, has increasingly gained recognition within EFL (English as a Foreign Language) writing classes. It serves as a powerful tool that language learners use to enhance their writing skills in a real and meaningful way. Blogging gives students a chance to express themselves, spill their thoughts, and connect with a diverse audience. Blogging is not just about transcending the mere pursuit of getting better at English. Instead, it empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey and feel like their words matter.

With regular blogging, students find their own unique writing style, enabling them to express their thoughts and opinions in an authentic and personal manner. Moreover, blogging serves as a catalyst for students to delve deep into subjects they are passionate about, infusing an extra layer of sincerity into their writing. When teachers bring blogging into EFL writing classes, it creates an environment where creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression thrive.

What makes blogging even more remarkable is its interactive nature. It is not just a one-way street. Through blogging, students get real-time feedback and can connect with people from all corners of the globe. How cool is that? This constant interaction fuels their motivation and ignites their passion to create exceptional content. It is as if their creativity and critical thinking go into turbo mode. They become fearless and bold writers, unafraid to express themselves authentically.

One of my students beautifully encapsulated the power of blogging when she said:

“Blogging is a way for me to explore myself as a writer. It is not just about practicing English. It is about exploring my passions, sharing my unique voice, and realizing that my words can have an impact on others. Through blogging, I feel empowered to improve my writing proficiency while expressing my authentic self.” Nusrat Sultana Rijon, Microbiology, Brac University

Absolutely! Blogging is transforming EFL writing classes, while a deep understanding of authenticity and motivation is essential for creating a truly enriching learning experience. Authenticity breathes life into language learning, bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world. It serves as a catalyst for meaningful learning experiences and instills a sense of purpose and relevance as students see the practical applications of their writing skills beyond the confines of the classroom. 

However, authenticity alone is not enough. Motivation plays a vital role in EFL writing classes, as it is the driving force that empowers students to fully invest in the learning process. When students are motivated, they are more likely to actively participate, take risks, and persist in their writing endeavors. One effective method to create an authentic and motivating learning environment in EFL writing classes is through the use of blogging. 

When students perceive the purpose and relevance of their learning to their lives, their motivation skyrockets. They transform into writing superheroes,  eager to tackle any writing challenge that comes their way. As teachers, it is crucial for us to cultivate an environment that ignites motivation. This can be achieved by respecting their individuality, fostering their creativity, and presenting tasks that hold genuine significance.

Just like Nusrat Sultana Rijon, I have personally witnessed a multitude of students who have greatly benefited from incorporating blogging into their learning experience. In my EFL writing class, I have empowered my students to unlock their full potential by introducing blogging on Digest Knowledge a platform where they can freely express themselves. It is my sincere recommendation to fellow teachers to embrace blogging as a transformative tool within their EFL writing curriculum, as it has the remarkable ability to unlock students’ authentic voices and allow them to express their thoughts with utmost genuineness.

Easir Arafat

Easir Arafat is a faculty member at Brac Institute of Languages (BIL), Brac University. Easir is passionate about helping students develop their writing proficiency. This passion led him to create Digest Knowledge, a platform dedicated to empowering students to write and learn. Beyond the academic realm, Easir cherishes his role as a father to his daughter and finds endless joy in family time.

To learn more about Easir Arafat, please click here.


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