Cyber Anatomy

If you are reading this article, you are using your smartphone or computer. While these devices might be physically different, the fundamental technology is the same for both. The simplest definition of a computer is an electrical machine that receives information from individuals through input devices, processes that data, and then produces something through an external device. Computers have been around for many years and continue evolving to suit our needs. Computers have impacted our lives drastically, and without them, simple day-to-day functions would break down immediately. For a society to function correctly, computers are an absolute necessity. Computers help us understand the world around us and make appropriate decisions that will help humanity advance. The rise of computers in society has changed our lives for the better and sometimes for the worst.

When given a sequence of instructions, a computer may receive input, analyze or store information, and create output. Two parts of a computer system are supplying input and output methods, data manipulation and processing, and electrical control of different input, output, and storage units. Hardware and software are the names for them. The physical components of a computer are called the “hardware.” Contrarily, the “software” is the ethereal set of commands that directs the hardware and causes it to carry out particular functions. A computer is practically worthless without a software system. It is common to compare the elements of the body to the components of a computer while dissecting them. Accessible memory, hard drives, and the processor core may all be considered to be the brain of a computer. In contrast, the motherboard is occasionally referred to as its central nervous system. All these components, concealed behind the shell, act much like organs and are necessary for a computer to carry out its objectives.

Computer science is discrete when it is compared to other forms of science. As the name implies, computer science is simply considered a computing science. Many people have been known to refer to it as the science of applied mathematics in software, while others refer to it as the science of data processing. Both parties are trustworthy in their regard. There are many ways to define the word “computer science.” However, if we look at it from the most fundamental level, we would be able to realize that computer science is associated with how the information will be processed. In classical physics, we can see that the connections between experiments and theory are well recognized and can be portrayed using several successful examples.

On the other hand, computer science is primarily based on understanding and processing information in the real world and analyzing that information as efficiently as possible. It is a type of science that helps us visualize and create things that are practically possible in the real world. So yes, computer science differs from anything else we have encountered before. In some ways, it might show similarities when compared to mathematics or physics, but the fact remains that computer science differs from mathematics or physics in some rudimentary ways. Some people have viewed it as an engineering discipline, but saying that computers are an engineering discipline does not capture its true essence. Although the argument can be made that there is a notable amount of engineering in computer science, they are fundamentally different. This is because computer science focuses on troubleshooting issues on a software level, while engineering would first look at troubleshooting from a hardware level.

For the last 50 years, computers have been acknowledged as the most successful and life-changing invention for humans. Without them, you would not be able to read this article. Basic things like communication would break down as well. In today's world, we can easily send a message to a friend halfway across the world and have them respond immediately. This is something that would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. Nevertheless, nowadays, this is something that we take for granted.

student minimal laptop setup for study

The effect of computer science on education is profound. The importance of computers in education has also increased dramatically in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking physical classes has been proven to be challenging, but with the help of computers, teachers are now simply taking those classes online. So, students can still do their classes digitally, and teachers can continue teaching students even though we are in the middle of a pandemic. Without computers worldwide, education would have to come to a halt. Fortunately, with the use of computers, there is no breakup in the system, classes can still be held, and exams can still be taken. Teachers have also taken this opportunity to make course-specific videos, which the students can view in their free time. They can also record their classes, which is extremely helpful for the students. If the student has any problems with a specific topic, they can go through the recording of that topic. Students who could not attend classes due to load shedding or internet issues can go through that lecture without missing anything. They also have quick and easy access to their teachers through various messaging applications. There are also many online websites dedicated to providing good lessons on specific topics. Youtube, Slack, Khan Academy, and many other incredible tools are available to students free of charge. You can quickly learn any practical or non-practical skill using these educational platforms. Many different courses on different topics are available on these platforms free of charge, which would help you develop your skills in various fields. In short, education has taken a giant leap forward, which would not be possible without computers.

Computers allow us to work from the comfort of our homes. We can quickly get work done or even run an entire business using a computer. The day-to-day operations of big multinational companies would be impossible without the use of computers. Everything can be run and managed by them. Moreover, computers have become essential business tools. Incredible platforms for advertising your business are available online. Online advertisements have a wider reach than physical advertisements on billboards and newspapers and are more cost-effective compared to physical advertisements.

usage of technology in work

Society would be very different if Charles Babbage did not invent the computer in 1871, but fortunately, he did. Humans have come a long way since Charles Babbage invented the first computer. Nowadays, computers can do almost everything. Computers can easily do the most tedious and faster work for us than we can ever do. This saves much time for us, but the irony is that nowadays, people do not find enough time to spend with their families. Computers have made life easy, and some would say too easy. Computers are machines without any conscience. These are neither good nor bad. Computers are what we want them to be, and we must use them ethically and responsibly.

Adnaf Shah

Adnaf Shah is a Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) fresher at Brac University. He is passionate about coding and constantly hones his skills in this area. Adnaf believes that coding is a fundamental skill that can contribute to the world's technological development. In his spare time, Adnaf enjoys listening to music and sleeping. Adnaf is a motivated individual with a strong interest in technology.


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