Myths or Logic?

Health and fitness myths in Bangladesh

Human beings strive for peace and happiness throughout their entire lives. If I ask you, what is the most important thing we need to have for a happy and peaceful life? Well, some will say money, some may say family, some will vote for a successful career, and so on. However, in these piles of options, we usually forget the vital thing that is now fundamental in this new ordinary world: "our health." People are so uneducated about their health that they continue to believe in myths. Some of them may even give you a huge laugh. So, today I want to clarify some Bangladeshi myths regarding health and fitness and explain why they are invalid.

Unfortunately, myths about health and fitness are pretty popular. I am a professional athlete and a female fitness trainer. As a trainer, I have to deal with many females who often come up with different myths about health and fitness. So, let us check out some common fitness myths in Bangladesh, and I guarantee you that you have heard most of them very often.

If you sweat more, you burn more calories.

Sweating does not burn calories. An increment in temperature in the body does not increase calorie burn. Sweating is just the result of losing water from the body. If sweating had a connection with burning calories, then people from winter-based countries like Canada would have never had healthy bodies. Also, if your body loses too much water, you can get cramps while exercising. So, drink your water and turn on the AC if you have it while working out. You will burn the same number of calories.

diet chart with calories -

Potatoes contain lots of fats.

You might think that potatoes are unhealthy because they contain little fat, but this is not true. Potatoes are a healthy source of carbs and contain almost zero fat. Everyone must incorporate some potatoes into their daily diet as they are low in calories. You may ask, then, why do we get bulky? It is because you have deep-fried French fries, which contain a lot of oil. It is the oil that makes potatoes calorically dense.

Women should not lift weights, or they will be muscular like men.

Whenever a girl or a woman joins the gym, they fear using equipment or weights because there is a myth that their physique will become like a man's. A woman cannot look like that without external enhancers. As we know, female hormones are different. Females have minimal testosterone, which is insufficient to get muscular like men. It does not matter how much you lift. You will stay feminine. So, do not worry, and lift some weights. It will make you strong and confident, as well as healthy.

calories in carbohydrates - Myths or logics

It would be best if you did not sleep during the day to stay fit.

I laugh so hard whenever I hear this logic, and you will be surprised to know that I hear it almost daily. My question is, if sleeping during the day makes you bulky, what do night workers look like? As they sleep during the day, they would have been obese. However, that never happens. Sleeping does not have any connection with gaining weight. Instead, sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day is mandatory.

On the other hand, a lack of sleep may cause weight gain. If your body does not get enough sleep, the cortisol level (a stress hormone) will rise, lowering the body's metabolic rate. Thus, it hinders the process of weight loss. Giving your body some rest during the day is okay. However, spending your whole day just sleeping without movement is entirely different.

You should not eat carbohydrates after 8 pm.

One of the common myths we often hear is that we must cut carbohydrates at night. It does not have any connection with weight loss or gain. You will lose weight if you have a caloric deficit (burn more calories than you consume). Furthermore, carbs are an essential macronutrient required for your body to perform at its best. Consuming carbs at night can reduce stress while helping you build muscle and burn fat. So feel free to add carbs to your dinner if it suits your body.

After having this cake, I will do an hour of cardio so it will get balanced.

No, it will not. A slice of pastry contains around 600–700 calories, and you will burn around 200–300 calories if you walk at a medium pace for an hour. So, balancing your lousy diet with cardio may take you all day. Moreover, it is challenging and harmful for someone to do so much cardio. So, eat nutritious food most of the time. You may have junk food, but in moderation. Do not just binge on everything.

If you stop working out, you will get bulky.

I have explained this to a million people a million times. People think they will become fat if they leave the gym. This notion is wrong.

balanced diet bowl

When you go to the gym, you develop some extra muscles. When you stop going to the gym, your body needs to return to normal. All those muscles will start getting smaller and weaker, so they might not look as toned on you anymore. This is what makes you look fatty or chubby.

On top of that, we tend to eat more when we exercise. The more you stop exercising, the fatter your body will get. You may not be able to see it happening immediately, but after a few weeks of no exercise, the extra food quantity going in will be converted into fat.

Maintaining a healthy weight is not simply a matter of heading to the gym regularly. While exercise is essential to any weight-loss plan, paying attention to your diet is also important. If you eat the same number of calories as before going to the gym, you will not see any results. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you burn daily. This can be done by reducing your portion sizes, choosing healthier foods, or increasing your activity level outside the gym. By making minor changes to your lifestyle, you can achieve your goals and maintain a healthy weight in the long term.

Eat healthily and live healthily.

Eating healthy is confusing. If you listen to the mainstream media, you might be entertained by fundamentally flawed and conflicting stories. Therefore, do not believe everything you read or hear. Now the question arises: how will you know the correct logic? Research, learn about the human body and nutrition, and find what works for you. Lastly, "Eat Healthy and Live Healthy."

Awhona Rahman

Awhona Rahman is a first-year student at BRAC University, studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Awhona is also a professional trainer and a national athlete of Bangladesh. She has a passion for learning about the human body, nutrition, and physical training. She hopes to share this knowledge with as many people as possible so that they too may become healthier through exercise or nutritional practice.


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