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Renaming BRAC University: Exploring the Pros and Cons of the Name Change Debate

The name change for BRAC University

BRAC University, a renowned institution in Bangladesh, was established in 2001 by the visionary Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder of BRAC, a global development organization. Lately, a compelling debate has emerged, centering around the question of whether renaming BRAC University as Sir Fazle Hasan Abed University (abbreviated as Abed University) would be a beneficial move. In this blog post, I will delve into the pros and cons of this potential name change and carefully consider the implications it holds for the university community.

The pros of renaming BRAC University

The pros of renaming BRAC University are multifaceted. It would pay homage to a great leader, raise awareness of his remarkable work, and provide the institution with a new identity. Such a change holds great potential to inspire generations to come.

Respecting the legacy of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed was a true visionary who poured his heart and soul into changing lives, advancing education, and propelling our nation forward. It is time to shed light on his legacy and the impact he has made. Renaming the university after Sir Fazle Hasan Abed would be a fitting tribute to his legacy and his contributions to Bangladesh.

Raising awareness of the work of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed

Many people in Bangladesh and across the globe remain unaware of the remarkable work carried out by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, a true Bengali hero who dedicated his life to improving the lives of the poor and marginalized in Bangladesh. Renaming the university in his honor holds tremendous potential to amplify awareness of his profound work and inspire others to emulate the extraordinary footsteps of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed.

Embracing a fresh identity

Renaming BRAC University after Sir Fazle Hasan Abed offers an opportunity for the institution to establish a distinct identity. Currently, the university’s name can be perplexing due to its similarity with BRAC, a non-governmental organization. By adopting a new name, the university can eliminate confusion and create a clear distinction.

The cons of renaming BRAC University

While considering the idea of renaming BRAC University, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks associated with such a change. These cons include the possible perception of disrespect towards current students and alumni, the potential financial burden of rebranding, and the potential confusion it may create for students, alumni, and employers.

The possible perception of disrespect towards current students and alumni

Some students and alumni may feel that the name change is a sign of disrespect for their time and investment in the university. They may feel that they are being asked to give up their identity as BRACians. The university would need to carefully consider the views of its students and alumni before making a decision about the name change.

The potential financial burden of rebranding

Renaming the university is undoubtedly a significant endeavor that carries a potential financial burden. The comprehensive process of rebranding encompasses a wide range of elements, including website redesign, updating social media accounts, replacing letterheads, business cards, brochures, and reissuing certificates, all to align with the new name and identity.

It is crucial to recognize that such an undertaking requires a substantial financial investment and a considerable amount of time and effort. The university must ensure that the funds allocated to rebranding do not overshadow the institution’s core mission of providing quality education and support to its student body.

The potential confusion for students, alumni, and employers

A name change could be confusing for students, alumni, and employers. They may be used to referring to the university by its current name, and they may not be aware of the name change. This could lead to some confusion, and it could make it difficult for people to find information about the university.

My final verdict

The debate over whether or not to rename BRAC University is a complex one. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the issue.

For me, the idea of associating BRAC University with the name of an NGO pales in comparison to the profound respect and honor that come with naming it after an individual who has made an enduring impact on society. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, a true hero of our people, deserves to be celebrated and revered.

I also believe that any decision to change the name should involve careful consideration and open dialogue with the university community. The concerns raised by students and alumni should be heard and taken into account before making a final decision.

Likewise, the voices and perspectives of students and alumni are invaluable in shaping the future of the institution. By engaging in meaningful conversations and considering the views of those who hold a deep connection to the university, the decision-making process can be more inclusive, respectful, and reflective of the best interests of the entire BRAC University community.

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