The Wheels of Time

Back in the day, people looked for better ways to travel from one place to another, from the discovery of the wheel to the evolution of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles. The world has seen many innovations and technological advancements, allowing us to travel quicker and farther than many felt would ever be achievable. The automobile industry is constantly improving, and thanks to technology, people can travel more efficiently and connect with others. It is boosting economies and has also created many job opportunities.

In 1986, on January 29, Carl Benz patented the first vehicle powered by a gas engine. By July 1886, the world had seen the first mass-produced automobile, a three-wheeled motor car named the Benz motor wagon. It contained only one cylinder, had no safety features or suspension, and only had a top speed of about 16 km/h. Can you imagine how slow and uncomfortable the ride was?

Initially, people did not accept traveling by car as they believed it was dangerous. There was not a very good amount of road present at that time, which caused accidents, and the people were highly against it. The early cars were also costly and unpredictable. They seemed to break down quite often and had a flat tire once or twice a day. When economies grew, more infrastructure and resources were available to consumers. By the 1980s, when the motor car reached its modern-day development stage, people started seeing the benefits of cars and how efficient they were.

Not long after, two Frenchmen came up with the idea of car racing to promote their company. In 1894, the first automobile race was held from Paris to France over 731.9 miles. The winner's average speed was 24.15 km/h. By 1938, cars had gotten incredibly fast. The Mercedes-Benz W125 set a record of 270 mph, and another driver trying to beat that record died the same day. The automobile industry transformed the transportation system, but it also raised a common problem: as the number of cars increased on the roads, the number of fatalities increased. Many manufacturers recognized design flaws compromising safety, so they started including new safety features like seat belts, hydraulic brakes, and so on.

Modern cars are not only faster, but they are also safer. Until this date, the top speed recorded by the fastest car was 460.4 km/h over a distance of 3.7 km at Space Florida's Launch and Landing Facility. The SCC TUATARA with 1750 horsepower is the fastest street-legal hypercar you can buy for about $1.6 million.

We can also see innovations like self-driving artificial intelligence (AI) car software that enables vehicles to navigate even the most complex traffic situations. Autonomous car technology is pushing the potential of a self-driving car into reality. We can see an excellent response to the new technology, and many people welcome these changes. The automobile industry is continuously changing. Nowadays, cars are not only used for going from one place to another but are also used for multiple purposes like a status symbol, a source of entertainment, and a piece of art. Many use them as collector items or even as a place to sleep if they find themselves homeless. It is estimated that about 74–78 million vehicles are sold worldwide every year.

The automobile market is worth tens of billions of dollars annually. It has also raised many problems due to the burning of fossil fuels in cars. It produces CO2, which is the largest source of greenhouse gas, and it is causing global warming and climate change. Scientists and engineers continuously search for new ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions besides electric plug-ins and hybrid-powered drive trains. They are also working on alternative fuel vehicles like hydrogen-powered fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV). As of 2021, we can see Toyota and Hyundai, two of the most popular car manufacturers, mass-producing FCEV cars, which are available in selected regions. These cars use hydrogen as fuel, producing water as a byproduct when it goes through the combustion process.

We can see a new movement to increase electric and hybrid vehicle production and an adequate foundation for these types of transport. Global warming plays a significant role in the improvement of electric vehicles. Automobile manufacturers plan to shift from traditional gas vehicles to electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The traditional combustion engines will not be around for much longer, and it is better for the environment if we shift to more environmentally friendly vehicles. However, they will remain an essential part of history and will be embraced by many enthusiasts worldwide.

Jawad Raihan Leon

Jawad Raihan Leon was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is studying Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Brac University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He is passionate about helping his community and dreams of someday becoming a successful entrepreneur.


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