The Outstanding Rise of Pharmaceutical Industries in Bangladesh

In the heart of South Asia, the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh is quietly rewriting its own narrative. What began as a small, import-reliant sector in the 1950s has morphed into a regional powerhouse, supplying affordable generic medicines to millions across the globe. This remarkable journey is a testament to strategic government policies, entrepreneurial spirit, and a relentless pursuit of innovation.

The early years saw foreign multinationals dominating the scene, supplying over 70% of the medicines of the country. However, the 1980s marked a turning point. The government, recognising the need for self-reliance, implemented policies that encouraged local production. Restricting certain imported drugs and aligning with the WTO’s TRIPS agreement created fertile ground for domestic players to blossom.

pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh

Today, over 200 local companies thrive in the sector, with industry giants like Square Pharmaceuticals, Incepta, Beacon, and ACI leading the charge. Fierce competition fuels innovation, pushing boundaries in research and development (R&D). Partnerships with foreign companies are actively sought, fostering the development of advanced drugs and specialized products that caters to the specific needs of people.

The industry is doing well not just in the country but also around the world. Exports are a key driver, with companies teaming up with international partners and getting involved in bids from all over the world. This outward focus is fueled by several factors:

  • Quality: Strict adherence to global standards ensures the quality and affordability of medicines, making them attractive to markets worldwide.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Products from Bangladesh are a lot cheaper than ones from developed nations because labor and material costs are lower.

  • Innovation: Continuous investments in R&D fuel the development of new, life-saving drugs, expanding the industry’s reach.


While the future looks bright, challenges remain. Ensuring consistent quality control across all players and navigating the complexities of international trade are crucial hurdles to overcome. However, the industry’s dynamism and government initiatives like the “Pharmaceutical Policy 2018” aimed at streamlining regulations and promoting innovation, provide a promising outlook.

The pharmaceutical story of Bangladesh is not just about economic success - it is about improving access to healthcare for millions. Affordable generic drugs developed in Bangladesh are reaching patients in developing countries who were previously priced out. This ripple effect is transforming lives and fostering a healthier future for all.

By 2025, experts think the industry will hit a huge $52 billion mark. Businesses in the area want to grab a big slice of the worldwide market. The industry is already the second-biggest player in the economy of Bangladesh, and its growth will bring more money and make Bangladesh look even better on the global stage.

So, the next time you pick up an affordable generic medicine, remember, it might just have its roots in the success story of Bangladesh’s pharmaceutical industry.

Abiduddin Afnan

Abiduddin Afnan is currently studying BSc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Brac University. He finished O-levels and A-levels from Loretto High School and is presently living in Banasree, Dhaka. His hobbies include playing video games and sketching.


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