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Will Technology Do Us Any Good in the Near Future?

Without the advancements in technology, the easier and simpler lives we are living in the present time would, assuredly, not have been possible. Technology is a common term used to describe various daily tools and equipment. Technology was invented to make our lives more straightforward, which is why our society is obsessed with technological advancements.

In the present era, people rely on technology more than ever. Even though technological advancements are crucial and helpful for us, it is also true that we seem to be over-relying on them. This massive over-reliance on technology has had an obstructive influence on us. Humans have forgotten their way of life since they are over-dependent on technology. Nowadays, people interact with each other less often. Instead of talking to people in uncomfortable situations or asking for a location, people seem to pull out their phones. Also, the kids, back then, used to hang out with their friends and play different games, but now they rarely come outside.

This enormous dependence on technology has caused many people to become addicted to electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and so on. This addiction has caused people of all ages to become isolated from the outside world. It has caused people to have developmental and physical illnesses. Depression and anxiety are the most common ones. Besides, the loss of eyesight and hearing, neck pain, and gaining more weight than usual are other mentionable physical health issues. This technology has resulted in the isolation of people from society, which causes many people to suffer from a lack of social interaction skills.

Numerous misdeeds have been revealed through the misuse of technology, such as hacking, identity theft, fraud, and countless more. Professional hackers can easily hack into other people's computers and steal private data. For instance, on February 7th, 2016, a few North Korean hackers hacked into the Bangladesh Bank and stole over 10 million dollars just by hacking into the printer of the Accounts and Budgeting Department. "Texting and driving" is undoubtedly one of people's main misuses of technology. Nearly thousands of injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting. The education of the younger generations has been overblown as they are introduced to intelligent gadgets. So, who knows how many more crimes like this are happening worldwide?

The young generations are the most affected by technology. Instead of worrying about their academic results, they are more interested in using smartphones. They are so busy with video games and social media that education has become less critical.

An analysis of a parent survey found that almost 70% of students are addicted to video games in Bangladesh. It has become unhealthy for teenagers, who are more likely to suffer from mental illness. Besides, there are some violent games available online that are highly inappropriate for them. So when parents provide such resources, it becomes their responsibility to monitor what they are accessing. For sources like Somoy News, it is verified that students often behave mischievously with parents for not letting them get access to smartphones. However, the lockdown has not been kind to parents, as the kids found an excuse to obtain an intelligent gadget. It has been observed that when children are given their own devices, they tend to forget to interact with people in real life.

Furthermore, there is various unwatched information flowing all over social media, which can be improper and unreliable, even if it is education-related. This is one of the main reasons why technology is not ideal for education. In simple terms, kids lose so much by using and enjoying technology.

In short, technology is influencing humankind to become more incompetent or unskillful as they rely so much on technology. On top of that, humankind is becoming severely attached, or you can say addicted, to technology, which manifests itself in the development of physical and mental sickness. Moreover, older and younger ones forget about essential matters in life as they rely on technology. To summarize, regardless of the facts, how we make the best use of technology counts.

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